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| ru=Харр(звезда)
| ru=Харр(звезда)
Harr is a binary star in the L12 square of galactic map. This solar system is the home of Raharrs, and the largest known astroengineering project of the [[Ancients]].
Harr is a binary star in the L12 square of galactic map. This solar system is the home of [[Raharrs]], and the largest known astroengineering project of the [[Ancients]].

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[[Image:Starsystem_ae_scale_eng.png|thumb|center|2256px|Planets of the system (not in scale)]]
[[Image:Starsystem_ae_scale_eng.png|thumb|center|2256px|Planets of the system (not in scale)]]
=== Stars ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_star.png | frame | left]]
* Orbit radius: 0.29 a.e.
* Orbital period: 24 days
* Radius: 2,205,000 km and 275,000 km
* Number of satellites: 0
The stars of the system, the white star and the yellow dwarf ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_classification spectral types] A1 V and G2 V). Both stars are relatively close to each other, but because of the effects of stabilizers, they remain fairly stable in terms of activity. The orbits of the planets in the system are also kept stable - because of the stabilizers, the gravitational fields are distorted and the two suns behave like a single celestial body as a result. Both suns rotate around their center of mass at a distance of 0.29 AU. from each other. <br> <br> <br> <br>

==== Stabilizers ====
===Binary stars===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_stab.png | frame | left | 96px]]
These objects of unknown composition are among the most massive artifacts of the Ancients, being 2568 kilometers in diameter. Apparently, their task is to control the stars of the system in order to ensure comfortable living conditions in the planetary system. They rotate at such a close distance from the stars that they are actually inside the corona, on the very border of the transition zone. In this regard, any study of these objects in the foreseeable future is not possible. <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
*Orbit radius: 0.29 a.e.
*orbital period: 24 days
*radius: 2 205 000 km and 275 000 km
*Satellites: 0
Звёзды системы, белая звезда и желтый карлик ([http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%81%D1%8B_%D0%B7%D0%B2%D1%91%D0%B7%D0%B4 спектральные классы] A1 V и G2 V). Обе звезды находятся относительно близко друг к другу, однако из-за воздействия стабилизаторов они остаются довольно стабильными в плане активности, а орбиты планет системы не слишком сильно искажаются, что могло бы привести к дестабилизации орбит планет. Из за стабилизаторов происходит искажение гравитационных полей, вследствии чего два солнца ведут себя как одно небесное тело. Оба солнца вращаются вокруг своего центра массы на расстоянии в 0.29 а.е. друг от друга.<br><br><br><br>

=== Hirr ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_1.png | frame | left]]
Объекты неизвестного состава, находятся в числе наиболее массивных артефактов Древних. Судя по всему, в их задачу входит управление и контроль звезд системы, для обеспечения в планетарной системе комфортных условий подходящих для жизни. Они вращаются на столь близком расстоянии от звезд, что фактически находятся внутри короны, на самой границе переходной зоны. В связи с этим, какое-либо изучение данных объектов в обозримом будущем не представляется возможным.<br><br><br><br>
* Orbit radius: 0.9 a.e.
* Orbital period: 0.34 years
* Planet radius: 4,600 km
* Number of satellites: 0
The first planet in the system. Because of its too close proximity to the suns, is like hell. The surface is constantly scorched by intense radiation, the gravitational effects of the suns' gravitational pull and its distortions caused by the Stabilizers do not allow tectonics to subside, so that the entire planet resembles a massive ball of magma. There is nothing even remotely resembling organics on the ash-filled and lava-laden rock fields. Volcanic gas emissions give the planet a thin, diluted atmosphere. Average surface temperature varies greatly due to the ellipticity of the orbit and depends on the position of the planet relative to the stars - from +500 degrees Celsius at aphelion to +800 degrees at perihelion. Gravity - 0.8 of Earth's

=== [[Harr]] ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_2.png | frame | left]]
* Orbit radius: 6.5 a.e.
* Orbital period: 6.78 years
* Planet radius: 7,000 km
* Number of satellites: 3
Home of the raharrs. The second planet of the system, it is located near the beginning of the "life zone" of the two stars. Earth-like planet, the ratio of land to water is about 30 to 70 percent. Its atmosphere is nitrogen-oxygen. Two suns, as well as a mixture of gases and peculiarities of the biosphere, give the sky on the planet a green hue, changing to orange and gold during sunrises and sunsets. The climate is mostly tropical and temperate, the subpolar region is very small and almost immediately transitions to polar. The planet has three moons. Gravity is 1.1 of Earth's.

=== Hilor ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_3.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 0.9 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 8.5 a.e.
*Время обращения: 0.34 года
* Orbital period: 10.12 years
*Радиус планеты: 4 600 км
* Planet radius: 8,000 km
*Количество спутников: 0
* Number of satellites: 1
Первая планета в системе. Из-за своего слишком близкого расположения к солнцам, напоминает ад. Поверхность постоянно обжигается мощными излучениями, гравитационные эффекты от притяжения солнц и их искажения, вызываемые Стабилизаторами, не дают утихнуть тектонике, так что вся планета напоминает сплошной шар магмы. На засыпанных пеплом и залитых лавой полях скал нет ничего, хотя бы отдаленно напоминающего органику. Выбросы ядовитых и токсичных газов дают планетке небольшую атмосферу, в которой, впрочем, не смогло бы жить ни одно известное науке существо.
Hilor is the third planet of the system, located almost exactly in the center of the habitat zone. However, for some reason, it is currently in a deep ice age. the temperature on its surface ranges from +5 to -60 degrees Celsius. The oceans are covered with a crust of ice, and there is almost no liquid water available on the planet's surface. Despite this, the planet has a sparse and stunted biosphere, adapted somehow to the harsh conditions, mainly clustering around active volcanoes, which emit valuable heat and melt the ice. Theoretically, more diverse life could exist beneath the ice crust on the oceans, near the seafloor. However, there have been no extensive expeditions to penetrate beneath the surface of the ice shell. Gravity - 1.5 of Earth's
Средняя температура поверхности колеблется из-за эллиптичности орбиты и зависит от положения планеты на орбите - от +500 градусов по цельсию в афелии до +800 градусов в перигелии. Гравитация - 0.8 земной

=== Enor ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_4.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 6.5 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 14.3 a.e.
*Время обращения: 6.78 года
* Orbital period: 22.09 years
*Радиус планеты: 7 000 км
* Planet radius: 5,900 km
*Количество спутников: 3
* Number of satellites: at least 7200 (0)
Родина рахарров. Вторая планета системы, расположена как раз в начале "зоны жизни" двух звёзд. Землеподобная планета, соотношение суши к воде составляет примерно 30 и 70 процентов. Атмосфера азото-кислородная. Два солнца, а так же примеси газов дают небу на планете зелёный оттенок, переходящий в оранжевый и золотой во время восходов и закатов. Климат в основном тропический и умеренный, приполярная область весьма мала и почти сразу переходит в полярную. Планета имеет три спутника, обращающиеся вокруг планеты за 31,30 и 29 дней. Гравитация - 1.1 земной.
The most unfortunate planet in the system. By cosmic standards, it literally only just survived a devastating collision with another celestial body, no more than a few thousand years ago. Currently, it is a small, hot planetoid with extremely inhospitable conditions for life. The "atmosphere" is a cloud of suspended dust and some gases. The surface, on which the giant impact crater is clearly visible, is constantly bombarded by debris circling the planet in abundance. As a consequence, no attempts have been made to land on this planet due to the extreme danger and difficulty of maneuvering in a cloud of planetary debris. The interesting detail is that the planet is in the zone of life of the star, and according to scientists, with some probability there could be life on it. Several times there have been sensationalist claims that asteroids containing traces of machining, or even entire preserved buildings have been found in the debris, but none of these claims have been confirmed, or have turned out to be falsified. There are at least seven thousand large pieces of debris orbiting the planetoid at the moment, and countless pieces with diameters of tens of meters or less. All of them will return to the planet extremely quickly - within the next thousand years if not centuries. Gravity is 0.4 of Earth's.

=== Raos ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_5.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 8.5 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 25.3 a.e.
*Время обращения: 10.12 лет
* Orbital period: 51.99 years
*Радиус планеты: 8 000 км
* Planet radius: 8,100 km
*Количество спутников: 1
* Number of satellites: 0
Хилор - третья планета системы, находящаяся почти точно в центре зоны жизни. Однако по каким-то причинам в данный момент на ней глубокий ледниковый период. температура на поверхности колеблется от +5 до -60 градусов по цельсию. Моря покрыты коркой льда, в жидком состоянии воды на поверхности планеты практически нет вообще. Не смотря на это, на планете существует чахлая и бедная биосфера, как-то приспособившаяся к суровым условиям, в основном скапливающаяся вокруг активных вулканов, извергающих ценное тепло и растапливающих лёд. Теоретически, под толщей льда океанов, возле дна, может существовать более разнообразная жизнь. Однако, попыток проникнуть под корку не производилось. Для рахарров планета не представляет интереса в качестве объекта колонизации, из-за черезчур низких температур на поверхности. Гравитация - 1.5 земной
The fifth planet of the system is a relatively boring sight. It is a brownish planetoid almost without an atmosphere and without life, containing several unusually rich deposits of rare-earth minerals, which made planetside mining operations to be viable. Despite the fact that the planet was the last to form, it cooled down very quickly as it turned out to be deprived of heavy elements, which prevented it from issuing a full-fledged core and magnetosphere. Because of this, in spite of its size, gravity is quite low on it - 0.9 terrestrial.

=== Asteroids ===
[[Image: asteroids.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 14.3 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 29-40 a.e.
*Время обращения: 22.09 лет
* Orbital period: ---
*Радиус планеты: 5 900 км
* Radius: from 20 m to 400 km
*Количество спутников: по крайней мере 7200 (0)
An asteroid belt is located between Raos and Gaulurr, which does not represent anything extraordinary except for its density - the estimated total mass of the asteroid field could be 97% the mass of a planet the size of Harr. <br>
Самая несчастная планета системы. По космическим меркам буквально только что - не более чем пару тысяч лет назад - пережила разрушительное столкновение с другим небесным телом. Ныне это небольшой планетоид с крайне неприветливыми условиями для жизни. "Атмосфера" представляет из себя взвесь пыли и некоторых газов. Поверхность, на которой хорошо заметен гигантский кратер от столкновения, постоянно бомбардируется обломками, в изобилии кружащими вокруг планеты. В следствии этого никаких высадок на эту планету не предпринималось в виду черезвычайной опасности и сложности маневрирования в облаке обломков планеты.
Perhaps the belt was formed by itself, or it is the remains of a building material left by the Ancients. <br>
Волнующим фактом является то, что планета находится в зоне жизни звезды, и по оценкам учёных, с большой вероятностью на ней могла быть жизнь. Несколько раз возникали сенсационные сообщения о том, что в обломках были найдены астероиды содержащие следы обработки, или даже целые сохранившиеся здания, однако ни одно из этих заявлений не получило подтверждения, или оказалось фальсификацией. На данный момент вокруг планетоида вращается не менее семи тысяч крупных обломков, и бессчетное количество обломков диаметром от десятков метров и меньше. Все они вернутся на планету крайне быстро - в течении ближайшей тысячи лет, если не ближайших столетий. Гравитация - 0.4 земной.
Resources are being extracted in the belt, especially various rare-earth elements. <br> <br> <br> <br>

=== Gaulurr ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_6.png | frame | left]]
* Orbit radius: 54 a.e.
* Orbital period: 162.11 years
* Planet radius: 106,400 km
* Number of satellites: 143 (8)
The largest and most massive planet in the system, by many also called the most beautiful. It has the largest number of satellites - 8 planetlike moons, and more than a hundred and forty trapped asteroids and comet nuclei, which are minor satellites. Its bright violet-purple color is caused by the composition of its atmosphere. Gaulurr is an extremely active planet, which has the most furious winds - the speed can easily reach thousands of kilometers per hour or more. The only gas giant in the system with a wide and highly visible ice ring. The planet contains numerous research probes and orbital stations, and an extensive network of industrial gas extractors, processing [[hephrene]] - a highly important gas for space travel, which powers hyperspace generators and reactors, and which provides the planet with its unique purple color. The gas deposits are truly colossal, with hephrene accounting for approximately 85% of Gaulurr's mass. It is estimated that Gaulurr contains at least 70% of all Hephrene discovered in the Galaxy and that it is the only deposit where Hephrene can be detected visually. Hephrene also is speculated to be the reason for the gas giant's abnormally high mass and diameter. Planet with such mass should be much smaller and hotter, perhaps even turning into a brown dwarf, but hephrene's anomal qualities prevent this from happening, if not making it physically impossible. The humongous quantities of hephrene under such extreme conditions are a target of numerous scientific researches being conducted on the planet. This makes Harr one of the most important solar systems of the Alliance.

=== Hreot ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_7.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 25.3 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 95.5 a.e.
*Время обращения: 51.99 года
* Orbital period: 381.25 years
*Радиус планеты: 8 100 км
* Planet radius: 64,800 km
*Количество спутников: 0
* Number of satellites: 67 (5)
Пятая планета системы представляет собой относительно скучное зрелище. Это коричневатый планетоид, почти без атмосферы, без жизни, содержащий небольшое количество редкоземельных тяжелых элементов, которые добываются несколькими шахтами. Не смотря на то что планета образовалась позже всех, она очень быстро остыла, так как оказалась обделена тяжелыми элементами, что не дало ей оформить полноценное ядро и магнитосферу. Из-за этого, не смотря на размеры, на ней достаточно низкая гравитция - 0.9 земной.
The smallest gas giant of the system, in size and properties most reminiscent of Jupiter.

*Радиус орбиты: 29-40 a.e.
*Время обращения: ---
*Радиус: от 20 м до 400 км
Между Раосом и Гаулурром расположен пояс астероидов, не представляющий из себя ничего экстраординарного, за исключением его плотности - по оценкам общая масса астероидного поля могла бы составить 97% от массы планеты размером с Харр. <br>
Возможно, пояс образовался сам собой, или является остатками строительного материала, оставленного здесь Древними.<br>
В поясе проводится добыча ресурсов, в особенности редкоземельных элементов.<br><br><br><br>

=== Harot ===
[[Image: Harr_Planet_8.png | frame | left]]
*Радиус орбиты: 54 a.e.
* Orbit radius: 154 a.e.
*Время обращения: 162.11 лет
* Orbital period: 780.71 years
*Радиус планеты: 106 400 км
* Planet radius: 84,300 km
*Количество спутников: 143 (8)
* Number of satellites: 43 (4)
Самая большая и самая массивная планета системы, многими так же называемая и самой красивой. Имеет наибольшее количество спутников - 8 планетоподобных тел, и более ста сорока захваченых астероидов и кометных ядер, являющихся неполноценными спутниками.
The most distant planet of the system and the second largest gas giant. It consists mainly of hydrogen, helium and methane, which gives the planet a rich blue color as a result.
Яркий фиолетово-пурпурный цвет обусловливается составом атмосферы. Гаулурр - черезвычайно активная планета, имеющая самые яростные ветры - скорость легко может достигать тысячи километров в час и более. Единственный газовый гигант в системе имеющий широкое и хорошо заметное пылевое кольцо. Планета содержит несколько исследовательских зондов, и обширную сеть промышленных газоэкстракторов, добывающих [[хефрен]] - весьма важный для космических путешествий газ, на котором работают субсветовые двигатели и реакторы, и который обеспечивает планету своим уникальным пурпурным цветом. Залежи газа поистине коллоссальны, хефрен составляет примерно 85% массы Гаулурра. По оценкам, на Гаулурре сосредоточено по крайней мере 70% всего разведанного в Галактике хефрена, а так же это единственное месторождение, в котором хефрен может быть обнаружен визуально. Это делает Харр одной из важнейших солнечных систем Альянса.

Harot, both with Hreot, were considered a dim stars for a long time after their discovery, because of their extremely long orbital cycle (both planets have not managed to complete even two orbital turns since their discovery). The status of the planets was confirmed only after technology has progressed enough to allow a precise triangulation of the planet's distance.

*Радиус орбиты: 95.5 a.e.
*Время обращения: 381.25 лет
*Радиус планеты: 64 800 км
*Количество спутников: 67 (5)
Самый маленький газовый гигант системы, по размерам и свойствам больше всего напоминающий Юпитер.
Имеются данные, что в некоторых областях атмосферы есть благоприятные зоны с приемлимыми составом газов, температурой и давлением, в которых существует жизнь. В основном, это огромные и медлительные дирижаблеобразные создания, названные газоедами, приспособившиеся выживать исключительно на поглощении и переработке газов и поглощения ультрафиолетового излучения.
*Радиус орбиты: 154 a.e.
*Время обращения: 780.71 лет
*Радиус планеты: 84 300 км
*Количество спутников: 43 (4)
Самая дальняя из имеющихся планет системы, второй по величине газовый гигант. Состоит преимущественно из водорода и гелия, вследствие чего имеет насыщенный синий цвет.
Хароот, как и Хреот, долгое время после открытия считались тусклыми звёздами, из-за своего чрезвычайно долгого орбитального цикла (обе планеты со времени своего открытия не успели сделать и двух орбитальных витков). Статус планет был подтвержден лишь после того, как развитие технологии позволило произвести достаточно точную триангуляцию расстояния до них.

Revision as of 17:25, 7 April 2024


Harr is a binary star in the L12 square of galactic map. This solar system is the home of Raharrs, and the largest known astroengineering project of the Ancients.

System map

Planets of the system (not in scale)


Harr Planet star.png
  • Orbit radius: 0.29 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 24 days
  • Radius: 2,205,000 km and 275,000 km
  • Number of satellites: 0

The stars of the system, the white star and the yellow dwarf (spectral types A1 V and G2 V). Both stars are relatively close to each other, but because of the effects of stabilizers, they remain fairly stable in terms of activity. The orbits of the planets in the system are also kept stable - because of the stabilizers, the gravitational fields are distorted and the two suns behave like a single celestial body as a result. Both suns rotate around their center of mass at a distance of 0.29 AU. from each other.


Harr Planet stab.png

These objects of unknown composition are among the most massive artifacts of the Ancients, being 2568 kilometers in diameter. Apparently, their task is to control the stars of the system in order to ensure comfortable living conditions in the planetary system. They rotate at such a close distance from the stars that they are actually inside the corona, on the very border of the transition zone. In this regard, any study of these objects in the foreseeable future is not possible.


Harr Planet 1.png
  • Orbit radius: 0.9 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 0.34 years
  • Planet radius: 4,600 km
  • Number of satellites: 0

The first planet in the system. Because of its too close proximity to the suns, is like hell. The surface is constantly scorched by intense radiation, the gravitational effects of the suns' gravitational pull and its distortions caused by the Stabilizers do not allow tectonics to subside, so that the entire planet resembles a massive ball of magma. There is nothing even remotely resembling organics on the ash-filled and lava-laden rock fields. Volcanic gas emissions give the planet a thin, diluted atmosphere. Average surface temperature varies greatly due to the ellipticity of the orbit and depends on the position of the planet relative to the stars - from +500 degrees Celsius at aphelion to +800 degrees at perihelion. Gravity - 0.8 of Earth's


Harr Planet 2.png
  • Orbit radius: 6.5 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 6.78 years
  • Planet radius: 7,000 km
  • Number of satellites: 3

Home of the raharrs. The second planet of the system, it is located near the beginning of the "life zone" of the two stars. Earth-like planet, the ratio of land to water is about 30 to 70 percent. Its atmosphere is nitrogen-oxygen. Two suns, as well as a mixture of gases and peculiarities of the biosphere, give the sky on the planet a green hue, changing to orange and gold during sunrises and sunsets. The climate is mostly tropical and temperate, the subpolar region is very small and almost immediately transitions to polar. The planet has three moons. Gravity is 1.1 of Earth's.


Harr Planet 3.png
  • Orbit radius: 8.5 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 10.12 years
  • Planet radius: 8,000 km
  • Number of satellites: 1

Hilor is the third planet of the system, located almost exactly in the center of the habitat zone. However, for some reason, it is currently in a deep ice age. the temperature on its surface ranges from +5 to -60 degrees Celsius. The oceans are covered with a crust of ice, and there is almost no liquid water available on the planet's surface. Despite this, the planet has a sparse and stunted biosphere, adapted somehow to the harsh conditions, mainly clustering around active volcanoes, which emit valuable heat and melt the ice. Theoretically, more diverse life could exist beneath the ice crust on the oceans, near the seafloor. However, there have been no extensive expeditions to penetrate beneath the surface of the ice shell. Gravity - 1.5 of Earth's


Harr Planet 4.png
  • Orbit radius: 14.3 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 22.09 years
  • Planet radius: 5,900 km
  • Number of satellites: at least 7200 (0)

The most unfortunate planet in the system. By cosmic standards, it literally only just survived a devastating collision with another celestial body, no more than a few thousand years ago. Currently, it is a small, hot planetoid with extremely inhospitable conditions for life. The "atmosphere" is a cloud of suspended dust and some gases. The surface, on which the giant impact crater is clearly visible, is constantly bombarded by debris circling the planet in abundance. As a consequence, no attempts have been made to land on this planet due to the extreme danger and difficulty of maneuvering in a cloud of planetary debris. The interesting detail is that the planet is in the zone of life of the star, and according to scientists, with some probability there could be life on it. Several times there have been sensationalist claims that asteroids containing traces of machining, or even entire preserved buildings have been found in the debris, but none of these claims have been confirmed, or have turned out to be falsified. There are at least seven thousand large pieces of debris orbiting the planetoid at the moment, and countless pieces with diameters of tens of meters or less. All of them will return to the planet extremely quickly - within the next thousand years if not centuries. Gravity is 0.4 of Earth's.


Harr Planet 5.png
  • Orbit radius: 25.3 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 51.99 years
  • Planet radius: 8,100 km
  • Number of satellites: 0

The fifth planet of the system is a relatively boring sight. It is a brownish planetoid almost without an atmosphere and without life, containing several unusually rich deposits of rare-earth minerals, which made planetside mining operations to be viable. Despite the fact that the planet was the last to form, it cooled down very quickly as it turned out to be deprived of heavy elements, which prevented it from issuing a full-fledged core and magnetosphere. Because of this, in spite of its size, gravity is quite low on it - 0.9 terrestrial.


  • Orbit radius: 29-40 a.e.
  • Orbital period: ---
  • Radius: from 20 m to 400 km

An asteroid belt is located between Raos and Gaulurr, which does not represent anything extraordinary except for its density - the estimated total mass of the asteroid field could be 97% the mass of a planet the size of Harr.
Perhaps the belt was formed by itself, or it is the remains of a building material left by the Ancients.
Resources are being extracted in the belt, especially various rare-earth elements.


Harr Planet 6.png
  • Orbit radius: 54 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 162.11 years
  • Planet radius: 106,400 km
  • Number of satellites: 143 (8)

The largest and most massive planet in the system, by many also called the most beautiful. It has the largest number of satellites - 8 planetlike moons, and more than a hundred and forty trapped asteroids and comet nuclei, which are minor satellites. Its bright violet-purple color is caused by the composition of its atmosphere. Gaulurr is an extremely active planet, which has the most furious winds - the speed can easily reach thousands of kilometers per hour or more. The only gas giant in the system with a wide and highly visible ice ring. The planet contains numerous research probes and orbital stations, and an extensive network of industrial gas extractors, processing hephrene - a highly important gas for space travel, which powers hyperspace generators and reactors, and which provides the planet with its unique purple color. The gas deposits are truly colossal, with hephrene accounting for approximately 85% of Gaulurr's mass. It is estimated that Gaulurr contains at least 70% of all Hephrene discovered in the Galaxy and that it is the only deposit where Hephrene can be detected visually. Hephrene also is speculated to be the reason for the gas giant's abnormally high mass and diameter. Planet with such mass should be much smaller and hotter, perhaps even turning into a brown dwarf, but hephrene's anomal qualities prevent this from happening, if not making it physically impossible. The humongous quantities of hephrene under such extreme conditions are a target of numerous scientific researches being conducted on the planet. This makes Harr one of the most important solar systems of the Alliance.


Harr Planet 7.png
  • Orbit radius: 95.5 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 381.25 years
  • Planet radius: 64,800 km
  • Number of satellites: 67 (5)

The smallest gas giant of the system, in size and properties most reminiscent of Jupiter.


Harr Planet 8.png
  • Orbit radius: 154 a.e.
  • Orbital period: 780.71 years
  • Planet radius: 84,300 km
  • Number of satellites: 43 (4)

The most distant planet of the system and the second largest gas giant. It consists mainly of hydrogen, helium and methane, which gives the planet a rich blue color as a result.

Harot, both with Hreot, were considered a dim stars for a long time after their discovery, because of their extremely long orbital cycle (both planets have not managed to complete even two orbital turns since their discovery). The status of the planets was confirmed only after technology has progressed enough to allow a precise triangulation of the planet's distance.