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The following text was google-translated from Russian with minimal edits. It might appear badly written, hard to follow, or can have translation errors. This is a temporary solution, proper translation should replace that, eventually. If you'd like to help me with that, please check this article for details. |
Harr's solar system was artificially created by the Ancients about two and a half billion years ago. Harr, apparently, was already created in a form suitable for the emergence of life, with liquid water on the surface and primitive photosynthetic multicellular life.
After the creation of the solar system, the Ancients no longer interfered with development (or did it in ways that did not leave a trace), and life developed at a normal pace. 60 million years ago, the first raharrids appeared on the scene - the common ancestors of the raharr and all related species living today. Relatively small predatory animals, aggregating into temporary packs and leading a semi-aquatic-semi-arboreal way of life, appeared to be a fairly successful niche predator that comfortably lived in the forests and rivers of that time.
About 30 million years ago, Harr plunges into one of the short but harsh ice ages. At this point, the raharrids were divided into many separate species, including the proto-raharr, which increased markedly in size, reaching about two-thirds of the size of the modern raharr. The ice age became a severe test for the population: the decrease in temperatures, the appearance of winters and the depletion of the biosphere made the population go through the bottleneck and almost provoked the extinction of the species, but the proto-raharrs were able to adapt to new conditions and switch to omnivorous diet. The decrease in the population makes the proto-raharr to begin to gather in constant packs, which serves as a catalyst for the rapid development of real social relations within the pack. This allows them to expand and secure their food supply, which leads to an increase in the number and period of the “Second Dawn of Raharr”. The ancestors of the raharr continue to grow in size, although it is noticeably slower than before. The middle of the Ice Age, 15 million years ago, is becoming the most severe, forcing the proto-raharr to migrate to the equator, to an area that will be known in the future as the Source of Rrirkh.
Raharr continued to develop in this part of the continent, and by the time the ice age retreated (~ 250 thousand years ago) and the planet had returned in their normal state, the raharr were already much closer to civilization, possessed an extremely developed brain and an advanced social structure, probably had a rudimentary speech. They begin to spread anew to the previously occupied areas, and the skills they acquired make it possible to master the other two continents of the planet. At about the same time, the raharrs discover fire and begin the first attempts at agriculture.
Ancient history
Subsequently, in the two hemispheres, almost simultaneously, the oldest known centers of civilization emerge, the proto-town, the remains of which are partially preserved to this day, respectively, called the Sources of Rrirkh and the Sources of Riyk. The ancient city of Source Rrirh could not become the dominant force of the region, and kept some land behind it, mostly remaining a central place for trade, but still for many centuries remained the most developed place on the continent. The city of the Source Riyk , on the contrary, became the basis of a large and extensive civilization, which for a long time remained behind the scenes of the struggle between nations because of its relative inaccessibility by land - the way of both foot caravans and military campaigns was blocked by the Great Desert of Riyk - the largest desert area on the planet, temperatures in the heart of which could reach the boiling point of water. After some time, the tribes of the continents rallied under the authority of the Northern and Southern empires, which marked the beginning of their long and difficult relationship with each other, which often turned into wars.
In 3366 Prior Realization(P.R.), Garn Kahto Sha, the figure is considered to be a mythical figure in Harr’s history, despite all the evidence of its existence, is born. By contemporaries, he was described as "a leader, the brilliance of the mind of which could overshadow both suns themselves", in history he remained as a legendary conqueror, almost single-handedly he erected one of the most ancient and largest states on the planet. Garn possessed extreme military leadership and political skills, far superior to any opponents he could meet among the isolated tribes of the western continent. At the age of 30, he begins his conquest-unification campaign, which lasts 26 years and ultimately results in the Continental Empire with Garn as emperor. Despite the fact that the Empire was called Continental, in reality it did not occupy the entire continent, since in comparison with the densely populated equatorial regions of the western continent, the northern and southern extremities were inhabited very poorly and were considered virtually uninhabited. Garn did not conduct military campaigns in these areas, but still considered them the property of the empire. The capital of his empire Garn chooses Rirrkh, as the largest city of the continent, also located at the crossroads of many trade routes. The next 10 years, Garn holds, setting up his empire and establishing life in it, after which he turns his gaze to the east, where he finds new continents and new lands. His thirst for conquest wakes up again in him, and Garn dreams of creating a World Empire. After 18 years of preparation for the new military campaign, Garn invites Eastern countries to join his empire, and then, after refusing, is trying to seize territory by force. This provokes a heavy war lasting the next 20 years. Garn eventually understands the futility of attempts to create a world empire, and concludes a forced truce, after which he returns to the western continent. There, until his death, Garn was engaged in setting up and strengthening his Empire. The structure created by Garn Kahto Sha has been able to exist for almost three thousand years.
Pre-space age
The development of technology allows raharrs to push the boundaries of the possible, and simplify travel between continents. The raharrs turn their eyes to sky, and begin to develop the art of astronomy. This helps invented in 1012 P.R. the primitive telescope with which the first cartography of the Harr satellites is carried out, and the first models of the solar system is created. The second era of wars begins, the Southern Empire is attempting to overcome the Great Desert from the south in order to attack Riyk from, as was thought, an unexpected direction. The southern empire had long wanted to get the riches of Riyk, about which there were legends, however, the Great Desert interfered with the land march, and against the sea attack, Rijk had good protection, partly due to the nature of the coast in this area of the continent, almost entirely composed of unapproachable rocks with rare well-guarded harbors.
However, Riyk was much more expanded to the south than was thought, and the military campaign was noticed and counterattacked in time before they reached warmer latitudes. Riykians, more accustomed to such conditions, put an enemy army to flight. Following this, Riyk is fully entering the world stage, having completed a long storage of neutrality. Riyk recaptures a part of the territories of the southern empire, as well as invades the northern islands east of the Northern Empire, which is initially mistaken for that as an attack from the Southern Empire. Some time later, Riyk decides to move the capital closer to the equator, to warmer and more fertile regions (and closer to the center of its territory, which will provide it with greater security and efficiency in managing the region), where it will remain until modern times, gradually growing into a megalopolis. The invention of the steam engine makes it possible to make river vessels self-propelled and fast, which leads to fundamental and revolutionary changes in shipping, making it significantly safer and safer.
120 years P.R. there is an expedition to the island of the Ancients, at that moment known as the Burning of Hope. Despite its large size, the island for a very long time remained unvisited by Raharr. When crossing the ocean, the ships tried to keep to the north, since there were frequent storms around the island. Sometimes the ships sailed far enough away from the island to see it on the horizon, but even from that distance there was instantly seen the hostility of the conditions prevailing on it. Few dared to come closer, but at close range the coldness and sultryness of land became even more obvious. There have been several cases in history when ships for some reason broke up on the shores of the island, but none of their crews managed survive the conditions that prevail there. The study during the expedition showed that the Island is still not completely lifeless, and there is a thin and poor border of vegetation on it stretching along the coast, but there were no large animal species on the whole island, as well as no sources of fresh water. Superficial research did not reveal any deposits of minerals or metals that would have been worth all the difficulties that their miners would face. Because of the inhospitable nature of the island, the mapping is extremely fast and the expedition does not stay there for long - the air temperature on the island is too high even for kehohirrs, and the replenishment of water and food is impossible. The island is marked as unpromising and useless land, and it will be four more centuries before the island is again in the center of any attention.
Realization event
Space age
Major historical events:
The time is counted from the moment of the discovery of the Star Stabilizers by the Raharr (Realization event), or P.R.. (In brackets - time in Standard Years)
- ~ 250 000 years of P.R.
The first fruits of the evolution of the mind of the raharr, signs of possession of fire, the end of the ice age. - ~ 50,000 Years of P.R.'
Raharrs spread to the territory that in the future serves as the source of Riyk. - ~ 30,000 years of P.R.
The development of agriculture, the emergence of the first permanent settlements. - ~ 6,000 years of P.R.
The foundation of the northern and southern empires. The western continent is divided between an impressive number of tribes, many of which are highly developed. - 3 310 years old P.R. (-3302)
The discovery of the first simplest physical laws, the birth of scientific thinking takes place. The tribes of the western continent are beginning to unite by Garn Kahto Sha, who proclaims the Continental Empire. - 3 300 years of P.R. (-3291)
The Continental Empire comes into contact with the Northern and Southern Empires. - 3 282-3 258 years old P.R. (- 3275-3254)
Garn tries to unite both empires with his own. This provokes a war that lasts a couple of decades, after which it fades away and ends with a forced truce. The technologies of that time did not allow waging any effective war across the ocean and the resources of the warring parties eventually depleted. Garn Kahto Sha dies, never wanting to resign the emperor title at the age of 108 years. - 2,200 years old P.R. (-2453)
The Southern Empire is undergoing a revolution, becoming the Federation of the Suns. - 2 150 years old P.R. (-2400)
The Federation of the Suns wallows in corruption, short-sighted management causes hunger and poverty, a bloody rebellion breaks out in the process of which the Southern Empire is being restored. However, since the Emperor's family line was interrupted fifty years ago, the new empire has little in common with the old, in fact only a name. Almost immediately, the new emperor is trying to conclude a peace treaty with the Northern Empire. - 1 012 years old P.R. (-1277)
The invention of the telescope, created the first maps of the Harr satellites. The sources of Riyk, which had previously kept neutrality, are becoming more active, stopping and fleeing the research and conquest campaign of the Southern Empire on its borders. The territories of the circumpolar regions, previously considered to be non-inhabited, are also influenced by Riyk. The Northern Empire takes this for the conquest of the Southern Empire and tears up the peace treaty. - 500 years P.R. (- 827)
The development of the steam engine provokes the invention of the steamer, leading to a revolution in shipping, making water transport much more reliable and safe. Skirmishes between the Continental and Southern empires are resumed. In the Continental Empire, a revolution occurs, as a result of which the state disintegrates into dozens of republics. - 120 years of P.R. (-492)
The invention of the internal combustion engine, the beginning of the mapping of the Island of the Ancients. Nobody wants to claim a scorched heat island, without any minerals suitable for the settlement of a territory or a great strategic value. - 40 years P.R. (-422)
The first in the history of Harr aircraft heavier than air takes its first flight. Having flown for 2 minutes, it crashes during the landing, nearly killing the pilot. - 23-17 years old P.R. (-407-402)
Completion of the construction of the first blocks of the colony at the south pole. Begin construction of the observatory. The Southern Empire and the Northern Empire create a condominium of Empires, designed to end the centuries-old feud. - 10 years of P.R. (- 395)
Condominium of Empires is being reformed into Releksh Foundation - 2 years P.R. (-389)
Completion of the construction of the observatory. Installing in it the Solar Telescope and its direction to the sun. Detection Stabilizers. Formation of Independent Islands - Realization Event (-387)
Improving the telescope allows raharrs to discover the stabilizers. Realization of their artificial nature plunges the world into chaos, the main states are engulfed in religious hysteria. Riots and suicides throw civilization back in development. The colony at the South Pole is cut off from supplies from the mainland. - 1 year A.R. (-386)
Republic of Ryikh declares itself the "Source of Rrirkh", and aims to recreate the Continental Empire and unite the separate republics back into a single state. The world begins a procession of a new philosophical and religious trend, describing the creators of the Stabilizers as higher beings and postulating the destruction of negative emotions. The course, thanks to the skillful propaganda of the founder, is quickly gaining followers. The Source Riyk are mired in a civil war, large areas break away and demand independence. The South Pole is uninhabited again. - 256 years A.R. (-162)
The internal combustion engine is reinvented. The "followers of the Ancients" convert half the population of Harr to their faith. The Source Rrirkh occupy a large part of the continent, mainly joining the republic on a voluntary basis. The sources of Riyk restore political stability and integrity, simultaneously connecting part of the Releksh base area. - 280 years A.R. (-140)
Nearly 85% of the population of Harr is committed to the philosophy of the Followers of the Ancients. The station is re-based at the south pole. The bodies preserved there from the events of nearly three hundred years ago are buried with honor and elevated to the rank of national heroes. A reconciliation with the lists preserved at the station showed that not all the bodies were found. The most probable version of the absence of the missing - part of the station population decided to try their luck and get to the southern continent on the ice. Their bodies were not found. - 335 years A.R. (-92)
Reach reached its goal, uniting all the republics of its continent, and draws attention to the Independent Islands. The level of science goes to its new peak. Rrirkh launches the first artificial satellite of the planet. Artifact X was discovered on the Island of the Ancients and a base was set up to study it. - 337 years A.R. (-90)
Base, created to study the artifact, organizes a rebellion and declares its independence, declaring itself a Scientific Corporation. Rrirkh and Riyk unite to suppress the rebellion, but they are crumpled and discarded by the Ancients' technique that has been brought to work. Scientific Corporation concludes a non-aggression agreement and cooperation with all the leading powers of the world. - 380 years A.R. (-53)
The first spacecraft equipped with a FTL engine technology based on the technology of the Ancients goes into orbit. The autonomous prototype had to make a hyperjump to the nearest solar system and then immediately jump back. The ship successfully completed the first point of the mission, but then disappeared. Creation of the first prototype antigravity plate. - 390 years A.R. (-44)
The active study of the solar system is underway. Hephrene, which was used in many technologies of the Ancients, was discovered on Gaulurr. It allows you to significantly improve the technical parameters of raharr tech. The six first research ships were built, which went to the surrounding star systems in order to search for planets suitable for colonization. Missing unmanned prototype was not found. The artifact of the Ancients is attempted to be opened by laying a thermonuclear charge on its surface. The attempt does not lead to anything except destabilization of bedrock, increasing the risk of collapse and a small radioactive contamination, which hampered the work of research groups. The first blocks of the underwater settlement were laid and drained. - 395 years A.R. (-39)
There is a first contact between the raharr and the extra-Harrarian civilization. In the third solar system, the research ship encounters a research ship of the Sashli species, which also conducted investigations of the surrounding space, on its way through. Researchers exchange information, after which they continue to follow their routes, extremely encouraged by the meeting. - 440 years A.R. (0) The Raharrs gather a meeting of ambassadors of all known species and vote for the approval of the Galactic Alliance of Civilizations, designed to simplify the processes of mutual relations and mutual assistance between different species of the universe. The meeting is held for several months, during which various issues regarding the future of the alliance were discussed. During the discussion, several species refused to participate in the Alliance due to contradictions. The remaining civilizations settled misunderstandings and in the end the Alliance was founded.
- 480-486 years A.R. (35-40)
Conflict with insectoids. The colonialization ship of insectoids enters the orbit of a raharr colony. As a result of subsequent contact, relations turn into aggressive ones, and insectoids bombard the planet from orbit. Subsequently, a full-fledged war was averted by the efforts of Sashli. - 540-545 years A.R. (88-92)
The Vainur Incident. - 692 years A.R. (221) ' Equipment and sending a joint project of the carrier ship "New Horizons", designed to become the first ship in history to attempt of crossing of intergalactic void. The ship went missing, being in the first third of the flight, its fragments are searched for to this day, and the project is considered to have ended in grim failure.
Leaving the Cradle | The Cliff World | ||||||
Species |
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Organizations | Alliance | Independent Worlds | Science Corporation | Politics | |||||
Technologies | Hephrene | Interstellar Travel | Spaceships | |||||
Places | Planet Harr (Nelnusarr star) | "Shining" Space station | "Dawn" class spaceships | Artifact X | |||||
Characters | Gharr | Zane | Hekaht | Ahshu | Quantum | Nea | Dan | Mark | Val | ! Virus | |||||
Events | ! Overall chronology | |||||
Further reading: | Civilization development stages | Instruments | Ideas | |