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Modern raharr speak for the most part in one unified language - the product of mixing the oldest and most popular language families on the planet, which arose long before the Realization, as a unified trade dialect gradually spreading to all corners of the planet.


Alphabet (using Cyrillic characters, with approx. transliterization)
а б в г д е ж з и к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ь э ю я
а б в г д е ж з и к л м н о п р с т у ф х ц ч ш щ ъ ь э ю я
a b v g d e zh z I k L m n o p r s t u f h tch ch sh shch - - e yu ya

Writing is written from left to right. Features - softness of sound, hardness of sound and doubling of the sound are recorded with special symbols around the letter. For example, the soft letter P is written ьп, the hard letter V is ъв, the syllable SS is .

The design of the lettering is similar to a human one, and follows the same basic rules. A capital letter is indicated by a dash under the symbol. The comma is denoted by a short vertical bar: ,. The dot is a long vertical bar that cuts the string: .. Analogue of quotes are three slashes, they also play the role of brackets: ()

An example of a meaningful text (formal and formal greeting of a representative of another type):

(ах харарук рах, ках нелахану нел, нелахану канах рах ах раха_р)

The modern Raharr alphabet is a descendant of one of the most ancient scripts of the planet.



Both gestures and body language, raharr most often express them unconsciously and reflexively.

  • Scratching nostrils, stroking hair or neck - insecurity.
  • All 4 hands are clenched into a fist, held close to the body - anger, tension.
  • The upper half of the teeth and gums are exposed, the eyes are wide open, the corners of the mouth tend upwards - a smile, goodwill, good mood.
  • All teeth are bare, eyes narrowed, nostrils pressed, corners of the mouth tend down or back - anger, irritation, grin.
  • The tip of the tail twitches, or sways nervously from side to side - tension, irritation, or deep thought.
  • The tail swings widely from side to side - extreme irritation, discomfort, dislike.
  • Tail wrapped around the legs - insecurity, fear.
  • Hands folded on the chest, tail wrapped around the legs, head heavily lowered - submission.
  • The head is somewhat lowered, the nostrils are open, the eyes are looking at the interlocutor - attention, interest.
  • The upper arms are folded on the chest, the hands stroke the wrists - doubt, arrogance.
  • The tail is dragging on the ground, hands are limply lowered, head is lowered - fatigue.


These gestures are often used in conversation.

  • With a clenched fist, lightly strike the temple, depicting a blow - "He seemed to be hit with a stone." (doubts about clarity of consciousness)
  • Slam the fist on the palm of your hand - “Final” (indicates the irrevocability of the decision made or the imminence of the action)
  • To grab the tail of another raharr - an expression of sexual desire. in most castes, this is regarded as an extremely dirty and vulgar way of communicating this, especially if the grasp happened in public. Attempting to stop a fleeing raharr by catching them by the tail is also considered a dirty trick, along with a blow to the groin. However, this does not apply to children, as long as they do not come to full age.
  • To seize the hand by the wrist and shake it - “I don’t care” (if raharr is no longer interested in the conversation, he is tired and agrees solely with the aim of ending the conversation faster).
  • Raise your hand up and rotate it horizontally, palm parallel to the ground - "This conversation is over."
  • The hand is in a fist, the index finger is straightened - "Something is wrong here."
  • The palm is straightened, the fingers are straightened and tightly compressed, the thumb in the middle of the palm is a gesture indicating the direction.
  • Indicative closing of the eyes with his hands - "I am disappointed."
  • The upper arms take the lower hands by the palms in the manner of the lock - “I'm controlling myself” (as well as the official greeting gesture, in this case it is usually supplemented by a bow)
  • Fingers spread apart in the manner of a triangular pyramid, claws down - "being absolutely sure, unshakable" (standing firmly on their feet)
  • Fingers divorced in the manner of a triangular pyramid, claws upward - "extreme instability, precariousness and doubtfulness"


Important words

  • Раха_р - a man, "human". It is noteworthy that the raharrs were very flexible in terms of xenophilia. They did not raise philosophical debates on the topic "who should be considered raharr (human)", and simply changed the meaning of the word in such a way that it meant rather not a species, but a designation of sapience and ability to communicate as such. However, other species did not want to leave this in the intergalactic version of the language, as it seemed to them to promote inequality by suggesting the raharrian superiority. Therefore, they made a compromise. Each species contributed the word denoting "human" in their own native language, which became the self-name of the species. To designate a unspecified member of the Alliance, they decided to use a neutral "being".
  • Ха_р - Solid, Ground (Earth). Initially, so raharr called the earth under their feet, believing that it and the things on it are the only material objects in the world, and everything else is just an illusion, disembodied ghosts, because they could not be reached and felt. The development of astronomy and science in general, however, showed that Harr's moons are fairly constant and convincingly looking for an illusion, and then their tidal effects were proven, so popularity of this model of the universe faded away fairly quickly. Now, "harr" is any astronomical body, be it a star, planet or asteroid, but the home world of raharr is always written in an upper case - "Harr".
  • Ра - A particle with the meaning "come from", "originated". It is used to determine the position or origin of an item or creature. "Raharr Harr ra" - "Man from the Ground", "Gharr Neht ra" - "Gharr from the caste of biologists". In the traditional Raharrian name, this particle comes after the name of the caste, and its presence is obligatory, one cannot say simply “Gharr Neht”. These last two words have the same meaning as the surname. But this practice is considered to be almost archaic by most, so only some raharrs that were born on Harr have triple names, while the rest drop the last particle from the name. If you talk to a respected superior or older person, it is considered uncultured and rude to refet to them by their "last name", for it indicates only their occupation, but not their personality.
  • Нехт - "he who is occupied with the body" (in a scientific sense), "the researcher of the internal." Simply put - a biologist.
  • Хи_р - Heaven, Paradise. The raharr believed that the double sun in the sky is the incarnation of God, the only thing besides Ground being a real object, for it gives warmth. More specifically, it was thought that it was god's eyes looking at the ground and warming everything they could see. It was believed that after the end of the world came, God would descend on Harr, and take the souls of the raharr to Hirr - his dwelling place. The heat-loving raharrs, although they realized that excessive heat kills the body, they believed that heat is the desire of the soul. Hirr was a place where infinite heat reigned. It is not surprising that the hottest planet in the system was named after this myth.
  • Хилор - Hell, non-being. Contrary to Hirr, Hilor was gloomy and infinitely cold. Every movement froze here, right down to sounds and right down to thoughts. Those guilty before God condemned themselves to an infinite existence in the realm of permafrost, unable to move, shout and even think, frozen in eternal statues, as monuments to their sins.


Many new words are formed from combinations of existing words, but there are no clear rules for how this can happen - words can either simply be combined, or distorted for better pronunciation or to achieve brevity. An important part of language is particles, which can be a part of a word or a conjunction between words. For example, раха_р translates as "man" and consists of word and particle merged together, but when written as ра ха_р, the meaning will be more literal, "from the surface". The particle ро has a separate role - it is more of a logical modifier, determining that the word after it is a property or feature of the word before it. нан ро нусахану - "stupid question," whereas нан нусахану - "a question about stupidity."


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 Edit template 
particle "property" ro частица "свойство" ро
particle "from" ra частица "из" ра
particle "in" hs частица "в" хс
particle "under" us частица "под" ус
particle "above" kr частица "над" кр
particle "this" hf частица "это" хф
particle "who" kk частица "кто" кк
particle "what" ha частица "что" ха
particle "many" nshe частица "много" нше
particle "little" nue частица "мало" нуе
particle "together" nel частица "вместе" нел
particle "not" nus частица "не" нус
particle "noble" sha частица "благородный" ша
particle "ownership" so частица "владение" со
zero, nothing, emptiness nul ноль, ничто, пустота нул
one harah один харах
two has два хас
three had три хад
four ras четыре рас
five roh пять рох
six hadera шесть хадера
seven sth семь стх
eight rro восемь рро
nine kref девять креф
ten khas десять кхас
eleven garsu одинадцать гарсу
twelve khneha двенадцать кхнеха
dozen khneshe десяток, дюжина кхнеше
number knekha число кнекха
size harha размер харха
many, great neshoshe многочисленный, великий нешоше
little, insignificant nulne малый, незначительный нулне
infinity hef бесконечность хеф
mountain zhe гора зхе
cliff nulzhe скала нулзхе
hill ohor холм охор
valley rashurr долина рашурр
gorge, canyon, crevice hzoshe ущелье, каньон, щель хзоше
river kahmi речка кахми
big river kashoshe большая река кашоше
lake ohtshu озеро охтшу
sea, ocean ohtshoshe море, океан охтшоше
water rahtshu вода рахтшу
bay, cove hzorahtshu залив, бухта хзорахтшу
island haroht остров харохт
continent harshoha континент харшоха
swamp rakrahtshu болото ракрахтшу
cave hzoashor пещера хзоашор
stone, boulder, rock ashoor камень, валун ашоор
forest rahni лес рахни
dense forest, jungle rahshosh густой лес, джунгли рахшош
field, land rashurshosh поле, земля рашуршош
desert hirroshe пустыня хирроше
snow, tundra, north lorshoshe снег, тундра, север лоршоше
branch ruh ветка рух
trunk rushoh ствол рушох
city, settlement hess город, поселение хесс
home hesha дом хесха
place rassu место рассу
nature, not artificial rahsu природа, естественное рахсу
world, universe nerasu мир, вселенная нерасу
solid, planet, soil harr твердь, планета, почва харр
air, ghostly, ethereal nusar воздух, призрачный, бесплотный нусар
space, expanse, abyss hefassu космос, пространство, бездна хефассу
existence, life kehot существование, жизнь кехот
myself ah я ах
he, she, they rah он, она рах
you hfrah ты хфрах
creature, it kah существо, оно ках
human, sapient, friend raharr человек, разумный, друг рахарр
adversary, rival, enemy rksark неприятель, соперник, враг рксарк
year, season arasashoshe год, сезон арасашоше
day (time unit) ara день(отрезок времени) ара
week arahara неделя арахара
current, now sahoshri сейчас сахошри
past sahushri прошлое сахушри
future sahef будущее сахеф
time sahz время сахз
century, long, duration araknehashe век, долго, длительность аракнехаше
moment, second, short sahnul момент, секунда, короткий сахнул
night hil ночь хил
evening hilashera вечер хилашера
day (time of day) him день(время суток) хим
morning hiashera утро хиашера
hand nehe рука нехе
leg neka нога нека
head, face reahk голова, лицо реахк
body knerr тело кнерр
tail asheka хвост ашека
heart haat сердце хаат
eye ozoe глаз озое
finger hkka палец хкка
claw, tip khne коготь, кончик кхне
question nan вопрос нан
problem raks проблема ракс
reply nanul ответ нанул
word khash слово кхаш
anecdote osnal случай оснал
side ekhe сторона экхе
strength, physical force hrashso сила(физическая) храшсо
energy, power, force rrenh энергия, мощь, сила рренх
father tata отец тата
mother shasha мать шаша
female rii женщина рии
male htua мужчина хтуа
offspring, child garr ребёнок, дитя гарр
family tashsha семья ташша
segment, piece harasu часть, кусок харасу
system ekrahe система экрахе
Nationstate, empire harshegu государство, империя харшегу
war nehtrua война нехтруа
military nehtruahe армия нехтруахе
end nulha конец нулха
fire, flame karurar огонь, пламя карурар
scary, evil raksar страшный, злой раксар
demon, fear, predator rrak демон, страх, хищник ррак
hope shonan надежда шонан
view, image, depiction aheg вид, изображение, образ ахег
relationship (logic) neo отношение, логическая связь нео
meeting, encounter hararuk встреча харарук
money shoshaks деньги шошакс
task, work, labor osst дело, работа, труд осст
true oshri правда ошри
false,lie nusshri ложь нусшри
book shoshkha книга шошкха
company rahashe компания рахаше
history shoshegu история шошегу
opportunity osnan возможность оснан
result raksna результат раксна
ability rorksna умение рорксна
machine, mechanism, object zahe машина, механизм, предмет захе
group shosherra группа шошерра
Alliance sherrahar Альянс шеррахар
transport, shuttle zahnekruk транспорт, шаттл захнекрук
right ekrasho право экрашо
path harao путь харао
name ahra имя ахра
language, conversation okora язык, разговор окора
solution ranul решение ранул
authority hrashoshera власть храшошера
door haz дверь хаз
beginning harrashera начало харрашера
help harap помощь харап
target karuk цель карук
information, experience nahanu информация, опыт нахану
thought ahnahan мысль ахнахан
memory ahnahushri воспоминание, память ахнахушри
smartness, mind nelahanu ум нелахану
stupidity nusahanu глупость нусахану
education kast обучение каст
action osnarha действие оснарха
quality ki качество ки
situation oshan ситуация осхан
gratitude, thanks raosan благодарность, спасибо раосан
attention, insight kset внимание, проницательность ксет
road haraoarr дорога хараоарр
look ozohara взгляд озохара
love harahirr любовь харахирр
game kasshera игра касшера
state kanah состояние канах
bliss ao блаженство ао
meaning khashnan смысл кхашнан
thing kahsu вещь кахсу
food hes еда хес
table hessu стол хессу
market hesshaks рынок хесшакс
dot hfe точка хфе
center hfrao центр хфрао
idea, advice ahnahnu идея, совет ахнахну
rule hrahanu правило храхану
move nekruk движение некрук
death zannul смерть заннул
opinion ahknakora мнение ахкнакора
speech ahnashoshe речь ахнашоше
wall oshashu стена ошашу
window oshashezor окно ошашезор
hole, passage hzor дыра, отверстие, проход хзор
science nehtu наука нехту
exploration nehtnarha исследование нехтнарха
message ahskst сообщение ахскст
interest shork интерес шорк
role osnanha роль оснанха
event osnaruk событие оснарук
cold, hell hilor холод, ад хилор
heat, heaven, light, sun hirr жара, рай, свет, солнце хирр
god(s) nusharr бог(и) нусхарр
scientist, medic, biologist neht ученый, медик, биолог нехт
expert kasneh специалист каснех