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GoogleTranslate.jpg The following text was google-translated from Russian with minimal edits. It might appear badly written, hard to follow, or can have translation errors. This is a temporary solution, proper translation should replace that, eventually. If you'd like to help me with that, please check this article for details.
Sketch, based on the description of one of the abducted raharrs

Bordered at the level of myth, Ghosts are an unconfirmed civilization, supposedly deliberately avoiding contact with the Alliance. The last few decades have seen strange events in the form of detections of unidentified ships and strange anomalies, on many planets and colonies there are personalities claiming that they were abducted by some unidentified creatures, and unexplained experiments were conducted on them. By themselves, the descriptions of creatures often too much resembles the species of hte "abducted" indifiduals, which almost always discredits history as hoax, even when some physical and physiological evidence of abduction exist. Nevertheless, the stories agree too well with each other, however this is most often justified by the “fad” for such statements on the G-Net. The profile of all these events does not fit the description of meetings with Wanderers, which was the first theory. It was finally rejected after the contact with the Wanderers and the exchange of information, they - for the first time in the entire history of communication with these creatures - answered the question of their involvement categorically and without vague ambiguity, in one word: "No." After they were asked about what they knew about these events, they also did not give any answer at all for the first time in the history of communication with the Wanderers, instead closing the communication channels and ceasing to respond to any queries, leaving the system shortly after.

Even less is known about the Ghosts than about the Ancients, so most do not recognize their existence, explaining strange events to more likely mundane causes.

Nevertheless, the number of reports of Ghosts is slowly but steadily increasing as the territory of the Alliance is expands and towards the Galactic rim, which makes the secret services believe that the Ghosts are some kind of technologically advanced civilization somewhere in the appropriate direction relative to the Alliance. If so, then their extremely cautious and secretive behavior is cause for concern, since this can be both a caution and a targeted campaign with ambiguous goals.