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All ships are divided between civilian types and military types. These in turn divided further based on their size and specific role.

Categories applies to all ships, but mainly this is based on ship crew size rather than simply length. Separate category is unmanned ships that have no crew at all, like satellites.


Light ships

Most ships with small crew and length below 50-60m. These are corvettes, shuttles, fighters and such. Most ships don't even offer ability to stand up in the cockpit, and rarely have ability to support life for more than several days or week.

Main ships

Most broad class, including most ships with crews below one thousand members and length below 1 km. These ships can stay autonomous for long periods of time, several years in some cases.

Heavy Ships(Core ships)

Ships with length over 1 kilometer and with crew numbered in more than thousand members. These ships form core of the military and expeditionary fleets (Named - Core Ships in this case), providing docks and manufacturing capabilities to issue maintenance and repair of other ships, making entire fleet be able to operate away from supply bases for extended periods of time.

Carrier ships

Largest of ships, crews (or rather 'population') can reach up to hundreds of thousands, and ships themselves are kilometers long. These are the largest ships that exist in the galaxy. Usually they're fully autonomous and require only raw materials for functionality.

Space constructs and stations

Separate class with broad criteria of apply. The only mandatory condition is lack of ability to leave current orbit.

Types of ships

Note: "length" is ship's longest axis measurement. It can, or cannot match orientation of ship decks. Most ships that do not capable of atmospheric re-entry and do not have artificial gravity generators have their decks arranged perpendicular to ship's vector of thrust.


Cargo ships

Truck ship "Arrow"

Class Light ship Default ship.jpg
Type Truck
Length 15 m - 2000 m
Dry mass 500 tonnes
Agility low
Skeleton crew 2
Gravity no
Autonomy 1 month
Hyperdrive Optional hypergenerator segment block
Range 12 AU
Max. Acceleration 20G - 1G
Weapons Optional turret segment block
Additional cargo 1 mln tonnes
Description One of the main means of goods transportations between planets and systems of Alliance. Cargo ship has modular chain design, capable at towing 450 fully loaded containers, with overal carrying capacity of 1 mln tonnes with length of chain of 2 km. Thanks to it's powerful engines, Arrow have unusually high mobility for it's specialization (without the load ship can achieve impressive acceleration, and even can be used as a courier), but because of design, while carrying cargo ship cannot afford significant trajectory changes, which is why it was named "Arrow". Too much maneuvering causes to chain of containers snap with catastrophic results, because of tail section's inertia. These cargo trucks being loaded while they're already pointing in the direction of their future trajectory. In case of full load, Arrows often being equipped with additional tail engine section, which helps with acceleration and deceleration. By default ship don't have any FTL capabilities, but hypergenerator can be installed in place of one of first containers.

Super truck ship "Pillar"

Class Main ship Default ship.jpg
Type Cargo barge
Length 100 m - 2200 m
Dry mass 42500 tonnes
Agility Very low
Skeleton crew 13
Passengers 20
Gravity artificial gravity on living decks
Autonomy 5 months
Hyperdrive yes
Range 500 light years
Max. Acceleration 1G - 0.1G
Weapons no
Complement   • 2 shuttles
  • 3 tow ports
Additional cargo 430 mln tonnes
Description Big brother of "Arrow". Ship is used for transporting medium and high amounts of cargo between star systems. Using same chain method of load as "Arrow", Pillar can load up to 384 chains at the same time, 173 thousand containers in total, which allows for 430 mln tonnes of cargo capacity. Ship's size allows for installing artificial gravity, but it's size is also one of it's weak points. "Pillar" have one of the largest and most powerful engines of ships it's class, which means large fuel consumption. Ship accelerates very slowly, just as slowly decelerates, and often requires additional tugs to help with these stages of flight and tugging it into unloading zone. This adds up to a significant operational cost for the Pillar, so these ships used less often than Arrows. What's interesting, despite it's size (up to 2.2 km in length and 270 meters in diameter) "Pillar" is still not the biggest cargo ship in the Alliance.


Class Heavy ship Tanker.jpg
Type tanker
Length 1034 m
Dry mass 280 000 tonnes
Agility very low
Skeleton crew 25
Passengers 20
Gravity centrifugal
Autonomy 8 months
Hyperdrive yes
Range 500 LY
Max. Acceleration 5G - 0.5G
Weapons no
Complement   • 2 shuttles
  • 5 escape pods
Additional cargo 10.8 Bln liters
Description Large ship designed to carry huge amounts of gases or liquids. Usually it is carrying water, oxygen, hephrene or other resources to colonies and space stations, and it is used in military as a resupply ships for fleets working far from supply stations.


Expedition vessel

Class Core ship Expedition vessel.jpg
Type Mobile research and exploration base
Length 4800 m
Dry mass 2,47 Bln tonnes
Agility very low
Skeleton crew 166
Passengers 10 000
Gravity centrifugal\artificial
Autonomy 10 years
Hyperdrive yes
Range 500 LY
Max. Acceleration 0.5G
Weapons   • 50 civilian laser turrets
Complement   • 100 shuttles

  • 50 atmospheric shuttles
  • 5 cargo shuttles
  • 3 shipyards for docking and repair of other ships

  • 2000 escape pods
Additional cargo 25 Bln tonnes
Description "Dawn" class ships are serving as core ships of several expeditionary fleets, tasked with exploration and mapping of uncharted star systems inside and outside of Alliance space. They are like mobile cities, their central section capable of sustaining population of tens of thousands for an extended periods of time. Ship is not designed for military application and does not have any weapons. It's laser turrets are civilian-grade and calibrated for close range debris destruction. "Dawn" class ships are largest in service, existing on edge with mothership classification. "Dawn" class is so large, in fact, that they exhibit registrable gravitational field of their own.

Light ships

Courier ship

Class Light Ship Courier ship.jpg
Type Courier ship
Length 63 m
Dry mass 2500 tonnes
Agility high
Skeleton crew 2-4
Passengers up to 5
Gravity no
Autonomy 2 month
Hyperdrive yes
Range 150 LY
Max. Acceleration up to 25G
Weapons no
Additional cargo 10 tonnes
Description Courier ships are used for carrying important passengers and data, that cannot be trusted to regular transportation or needed to be delivered in hurry. They posess no weaponary, but their engines outclass almost every other ship, and top acceleration is capped by crew's tolerance more than anything.

Service ships

Atmospheric Shuttle

Class Light ship Shuttle.jpg
Type Surface-to-orbit shuttle
Length 36 m
Dry mass 230 tonnes
Agility high
Skeleton crew 2-4
Passengers up to 30
Gravity no
Autonomy 3 weeks
Hyperdrive no
Range up to one LM
Max. Acceleration up to 6-7G
Weapons no
Additional cargo 10 tonnes
Description "Candle"-class shuttle is typical type of shuttle that used to carry passengers and small cargo to and from orbits around gravity wells. Equipped with repulsor modules, ship doesn't requires multi-staged rocket assistance for flying to the orbit (as with most of alliance tech, designed for atmospheric re-entry) and capable of making three cycles "gravity well climb - docking approach - atmospheric re-entry" until refueling(provided minimal load). Shuttle capabilities allow it for short-ranged flights to high orbits, which makes it primary transportation service of short distances between planets, space stations or moons.

Atmospheric cargo shuttle

Class Light ship Default ship.jpg
Type Surface-to-orbit shuttle
Length 54 m
Dry mass 430 tonnes
Agility high-medium
Skeleton crew 2-4
Passengers up to 150
Gravity no
Autonomy up to 3 weeks
Hyperdrive no
Range up to one LM
Max. Acceleration up to 4-5G
Weapons no
Additional cargo 150 tonnes (20 tonnes in liner configuration)
Description Orbiter is similar to Candle in many technical aspects, but have wider fuselage and most of it's internal space taken by cargo hold. Exist in primarily two configurations, ordinary cargo shuttles specialize in carrying supplies and goods from and to orbit, passenger configuration specializes on transporting large amounts of passengers. Passenger configuration often used for short-distance liner flights between planets, stations and moons.


Class Light ship Default ship.jpg
Type orbit-to-orbit shuttle
Length 10 m
Dry mass 130 tonnes
Agility low
Skeleton crew 1-3
Passengers up to 10
Gravity no
Autonomy up to 1 week
Hyperdrive no
Range up to 2 LM
Max. Acceleration up to 6-7G
Weapons no
Additional cargo 2 tonnes
Description "Drone"-class shuttles are used for space-bound transportations between stations and ships that are too large for casual docking maneuvers. Due their light frame, they are incapable of atmospheric re-entry or carrying large amounts of cargo.

Escape pod

the Shell
Class Light ship Escape pod.jpg
Type escape pod
Length 6 m
Dry mass 5 tonnes
Agility medium
Skeleton crew 1
Passengers 5
Gravity no
Autonomy 1 week, two weeks-worth of rations for 6 passengers
Hyperdrive no
Range 10 000km
Max. Acceleration up to 2-3G
Weapons no
Description The Shell is a standard class of escape pods used in catastrophic events on space ships. All ships of Main class required to carry enough escape pods for their crew. In reality, escape pods used relatively rarely, as most emergencies do not require abandoning of the ship, or there is no place to escape to. "Shell" have utilitarian shape, perfected in pre-expansion era of space flight with crew capsules of primitive multistage rockets, flying on ballistic trajectories during their re-entry. In specific cases escape pod can be used if there's another ship nearby, that can pick it up. Pod itself have very limited amount of fuel, that is enough only to orient itself in space and make single decelerating burn aimed at degrading orbit. It equiped with repulsor, but while it plays important role with reducing g-forces during re-entry, it is nearly not enough to achieve levitation. "Shell" can make de-orbit both on land and in water, producing inflatable 10m-diameter raft in the latter case. Aside from survival kits, each capsule have radio transmitter, that helps to find it's location by rescue parties.




Class Drone Drone.jpg
Type Heavy drone
Length 5 m
Dry mass 450 kg
Agility very high
Autonomy 1 day
Range 300000 km
Max. Acceleration 50G
Weapons   • 3 laser guns
  • 3 particle emitters
Description unmanned semi-autonomous drone that Alliance, raharrs specifically, use in most space battles. Usually special carrier ships spit out these things in dozens and they swarm enemy. Basically, it is just a cannon with simple AI core and engines attached to it.

These drones can fight by themselves, attack targets and evade enemy fire. But they require command station with operator or operators, who assign targets and handle things that simple AI cannot, like strategy of attack. Due being unmanned, these things are scarily agile and fast, designed to withstand accelerations up to 50G.

But, as they fast and agile, they also quite predictable and fragile, so single manned fighter still does job better than small squad of drones. But drones are relatively cheap (for sure cheaper than training and sustaining a single pilot, not counting a ship for him), so you can afford lots of them, and not worry about causalities. Typical "zerg rush" strategy is applied in most cases, and usually less than 20% of drones survive that battle, if any.


Patrol ship

Class Main ship Patrol ship.jpg
Type frigate
Length 110 m
Dry mass 7300 tonnes
Agility high
Skeleton crew 10
Passengers 10
Gravity no
Autonomy 3 months
Hyperdrive yes
Range 120 LY
Max. Acceleration 10G
Weapons   • 2 particle turrets
  • 2 laser turrets
Complement   • 1 shuttle

  • 4 drones

  • 2 escape pods
Additional cargo 1 500 tonnes
Description Patrol ships are tasked with policing and guarding star systems and serving as first stage of customs if necessary. Often carry 4 additional drones to make sure that offender doesn't try to escape.

Rocket Destroyer

Class Main ship Rocket destroyer.jpg
Type Destroyer
Length 175 m
Dry mass 57 000 tonnes
Agility medium
Skeleton crew 12
Passengers 6
Gravity no
Autonomy 4 months
Hyperdrive yes
Range 125 LY
Max. Acceleration 9G
Weapons   • 2174 nuclear missiles
  • 16 laser turrets
Complement   • 2 escape pods
Additional cargo 700 tonnes
Description Missile destroyers carry 2174 chaser-class nuclear missiles, capable of locating and hitting target at distances up to 3 AU. Destroyers usually remains on the edge of battlefield, barraging enemy with salvos of rockets from afar. Missiles are completely autonomous, and keep trying to reach designated target until their fuel runs or their destruction. Missiles lock at target via various optical sensors, mainly in infrared spectre. Rockets are very vulnerable to laser point-defences and do not have impressive maneuvering abilities, so they rarely used as main attacking means. But missiles still carry 2.5 Mt nuclear warhead, so if missile manages to slip past point-defence system, results are often devastating, smaller ships being obliterated with a single hit.


Class Main ship Smallship.jpg
Type Light Cruiser
Length 266 m
Dry mass 130 000 tonnes
Agility medium
Skeleton crew 16
Passengers 6
Gravity no
Autonomy 10 months
Hyperdrive yes
Range 300 LY
Max. Acceleration 8G
Weapons   •  16 particle turrets
  • 8 laser turrets
Complement   • 1 shuttle
  • 8 escape pods
Additional cargo 500 tonnes
Description Light cruser forms main bulk of a fleet, it's high customability makes them useful in a wide variety of application, from frontal assaults or guarding duties to escort or recon missions.

Heavy Cruiser

Class Main Ship Heavy cruiser.jpg
Type Heavy cruiser
Length 470 m
Dry mass 390 000 tonnes
Agility low
Skeleton crew 56
Passengers 20
Gravity no
Autonomy 1 year
Hyperdrive yes
Range 300 LY
Max. Acceleration 7G
Weapons   • 8 particle turrets

  • 28 laser turrets
  • 10 kinetic heavy turrets
  • 300 nuclear missiles

  • 2 railgun mass drivers
Complement   • 2 shuttles

  • 2 boarding pods

  • 16 escape pods
Additional cargo 1 500 tonnes
Description Heavy cruisears are amongst biggest ships of the battlefield. These ships designed for combat at mid and close ranges, delivering devastating damage with their kinetic rounds. Heavy cruisers have two spinal mounted railgun mass drivers for assaults, capable of throwing multi-tonne tungsten slugs at speeds of 3000 km\s, which gives them kinetic energy equivalent of 2.1 Mt warhead. Since mass drivers are spinal-mounted, they used for assaults on large and unmaneuverable targets, such as other heavy ships or defensive space platforms.


Class Main ship Default ship.jpg
Type Dominator
Length 600+ m
Dry mass 500 000 tonnes
Agility low
Skeleton crew 100
Passengers 30
Gravity no
Autonomy 2 years
Hyperdrive yes
Range 400 LY
Max. Acceleration 7G
Weapons   • 54 particle turrets

  • 80 laser turrets
  • 20 kinetic heavy turrets

  • 1000 nuclear missiles
Complement   • 4 shuttles

  • 4 atmospheric shuttles
  • 4 boarding pods

  • 20 escape pods
Additional cargo 1 500 tonnes
Description Dominator are the heaviest ships in the military, with weaponry load rivaling that of a orbital defense platforms. Their purpose is to capture and secure strategically important areas of space. Sometimes dominators can seize entirety of planet's orbital space by just arriving on the battlefield without firing a single shot, since it's capabilities makes it impossible to fight with it on equal grounds with anything short of a significant fleet, or another Dominator.


Drone carrier

Drone carrier
Class Main ship Drone carrier.jpg
Type Drone control and transport
Length 494 m
Dry mass 795 000 tonnes
Agility low
Skeleton crew 23
Passengers 5
Gravity no
Autonomy 1 year
Hyperdrive yes
Range 500 ly
Max. Acceleration 7G
Weapons   • 16 laser turrets
  • 4 particle turrets
Complement   • 524 drones

  • 2 shuttles

  • 6 escape pods
Additional cargo 30 reserve drones
Description These ships can manipulate up to three times more drones than they can carry, in case that some of them will be destroyed in battle, but usually each ship controls only their own drone flocks. Despite large size, actual living sector of the ship is very cramped, being squeezed in between drone launch batteries, docking hangar and engineering section with reactor and engines.